Ask Ronit

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Life is Poetry

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Seeking Growth

Hi Ronit,

I have a deep fear of approaching women I am attracted to. My body is hungry and full of desire to deeply connect and share the miracle of oneness and the blessing of total intimacy, but my Spirit all too often inhibits my impulse to act because I do not want to be attracted to such superficial traits as looks. While I cannot deny I want to be with someone who physically turns me on, i also seek a deeper connection. How do you recommend I not be ruled by my fear in the service of my full self expression. Does spirituality have to be denial and sacrifice of desire? I know this is quite a deep topic, but i would really appreciate your insights as I struggle with this daily.

Thank you,
Seeking Growth

Dear Seeking Growth,

It is very natural to pursue a relationship with someone toward whom you are physically attracted. From an evolutionary perspective, we are attracted to physically attractive people since our unconscious psyche perceives it as a sign of health. The confusion you are experiencing may have more to do with whether you are only seeking physically attractive women without consideration to their character. Clearly, we all know people who are very attractive, but don’t share our individual values. There is no need to compromise – you can find a woman you are attracted to who also shares your values. Approach women you feel attracted to and then slowly get to know them. In time you will discover whether they share your values and are spiritually compatible with you. If they are not compatible with you, then you need to move on. You have to start somewhere and the initial attraction is a good place to start, but ultimately it is about compatibility.

However, I suspect your fear of approaching women has more to do with your ego fearing rejection than your Spirit’s concern regarding compromising your spirituality by merely focusing on their physicality. Fear of rejection is one of the greatest fears experienced by individuals. People tend to be rather self-referential and take it personally if someone does not want to be with them. The reality is, it is not personal. Every person has their own individual needs and desires. If a person is not connecting with another, it does not mean they are rejecting the other, it only means that person does not feel chemistry and is therefore not interested. I am sure you have had instances where someone wanted to be with you and you didn’t feel it. Where you rejecting her or simply following your authentic desire? You need to work on accepting yourself and becoming comfortable with who you are. This work entails grounding yourself in your core values in such a way that they guide you and determine your sense of self, and not letting the outside world determine how you feel about yourself. It is being inner directed, not outer directed. You can start with the Loving Yourself exercise article on this site. When your core is strengthened, you are more likely to confront your fears and be and act from courage. So give it a try. It may still be frightening, but if you practice approaching women, in time, the fear will subside. Remember, it is not personal. Now go find your woman.



I find there is a difference between what I find to be sexy, attractive, or good looking. I have met women with sex appeal that weren't really good looking. I have met women that weren't particularly cute but still captured my heart, and there are certainly pretty women out there that do absolutely nothing for me.

One thing that I found that controls what I am attracted to are my priorities. When I felt the need to have a family, the women I found attractive were very different than when I was a horny college student. Good looking women are still more attractive to me than ugly women.


I don't look at people as good looking or ugly. Sure there are good looking and ugly people, but that is not the way I perceive them. I see people as attractive or unattractive. I can easily be attracted to "an ugly person (male or female)" if I am attracted to their beingness. I see and hear people beyond their physical attributions. I know this is not common, but that is the way I am. I believe the reason I am that way is because I was very "ugly" when I was younger. Until I was 16 yrs old, people essentially gave me the message that I was ugly. I never saw myself that way, but others did. They made fun of the way I looked and in general were not interested in being around me. At 16, something changed and I suddenly grew into a beautiful teenager. Now boys started to give me attention and asked me out. Because nothing changed inside of me, I was clear that this superficial reaction to me is not meaningful. I was the same person even though my outside appearance has changed. This experience taught me first hand that looks don't matter, all I cared about is getting to know the human being within. This may sound unreal, but it is truly the way I feel. Throughout my life, I have had relationships with several "ugly" guys (by society's standards) that were sexy and attractive to me because I loved who they were as human beings.


I can only answer for mylsef, but I don't care that much about appearance. It's not that I've only dated unattractive men. Quite the opposite! But that's NEVER the reason I date them. I dated men who had something going for them, and who were good, decent people, and who were smart and funny. I'm on friendly terms with all the men I've dated. I don't understandt this childish idea of hating your ex. To me, that is so infantile because I respected the person enough to date him. Just because we didn't work out on a romantic level doesn't mean he no longer possesses those qualities that made him worth dating. (I suppose there's no help for people who date someone they don't respect.)My husband is handsome and spectacular on so many more important levels. He happens to be several years younger than I am but, because of his graying hair, many people think he is older. (I also, apparently, look MUCH younger than my age.)As a young woman, growing up, I always wanted to look older. Then, it became more desirable to look younger. With men, I never cared what age they were, or appeared. But I will admit that I find men to be more handsome, as they get older. Within reason, of course. Young, healthy men are fine. But the facial lines that hint at an interesting life, and the graying sideburns are equally attractive, if not more so, than a rockin' set of abs.But that's just me.

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