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I Like Your Ponytail, A Story About CommitmentI Like Your Ponytail, A Story About Commitment

“I like your ponytail.” I said in a playful manner. “Ponytail?” he repeated in a thick French accent. There and then began the most extraordinary odyssey of my life.…

Avoid 90% of the Pesticides in Food, by Avoiding 12 Foods

Why should you care about pesticides in your food?For starters there may be as many as twenty pesticides on a single piece of fruit you eat.…

My HeroMy Hero

Dear Mrs. Black,It was January 1967 when this 11 year-old, frightened, little Israeli girl walked into your classroom for the first time. I had only arrived in the country two weeks before.…

We Are Sexual BeingsWe Are Sexual Beings

With sex all around us, oozing out of our televisions, theaters, magazines, fashion, on the streets, one would think we are the most sexually informed, open and comfortable nation on the planet.”…

The Banking ImplosionThe Banking Implosion

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Breaking old habits; Creating new Ones

We are mostly habitual beings. Webster defines habit as an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary.…

Life is Poetry

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  • Life is Poetry
  • Life is Poetry
  • Life is Poetry
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The Preservation Predicament

Is the preservation of biologically rich landscapes a losing battle? Some scientist fear that with an era of changing climates our best efforts to protect these areas may be just a waste of time. As global warming continues to contribute to higher water temperature and the rise of sea level, current efforts on the way to maintain salmon runs in Pacific Northwest streams, restoration of fresh water flow of the Everglades and the preservation of some fragile coastal barrier islands are being reconsidered. Uncertainty surrounding the rate of climate change is making it more difficult to determine what is the best course of action.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has estimated sea levels may rise as much as two feet by the end of the century. If that is the case, Dan Kimball, superintendent of Everglades National Park, says that up to 50 percent of the Everglades’s fresh water marsh “would be transformed into a salt water system.” But, he said, restoring the fresh water flow might “create a fresh water barrier, hopefully, and keep the rising seas at bay.”

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Organic usually means that it has no prversvatiees, or made using no chemicals, pesticides, that sort of thing. That means that it is more likely to be fresh. The drawbacks are that they cannot be made in large quantities unless they sell quickly. If they don't sell quickly, they can spoil. Therefore, organic products are made in smaller batches, leading to higher prices. Whether or not organic food is better is up to you. Give up your cash or your health.


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