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Darfur; The Forgotten People

Last night I had the privilege of seeing and hearing Mia Farrow speak about the genocidal situation in Darfur. She was speaking at the Sheraton Hotel, in NYC, to an audience of approximately 1000 people attending a conference given by Omega Institute, titled Being Fearless. Her speech left each and everyone of us feeling horrified, shameful, angry, devastated, but most importantly inspired. Inspired to do something about this unfathomable systematic destruction of a people. With her powerful and masterful communication skills, passion, courage (she has gone back to the region 8 times and is going back next month) and incredulous rage, she besieged us to remain present to the torturous reality experienced by the people of Darfur, and take responsibility for their suffering. The title of her talk, "With knowledge Comes Responsibility," speaks to the role we play when we remain silent and inactive while hundreds of thousands are brutally raped, murdered and displaced.

Most of us know that there is a genocide going on in Darfur. We know it in our heads, but not really know it in our hearts and souls. If we truly knew what is going on, we would not be able to go on with our lives as usual. The level of barbarism is hard to describe and even harder to accept. Our minds cannot wrap themselves around humanity's capacity to inflict such unspeakable suffering on its brothers and sisters. Yet, it is our imperative, our directive, to educate ourselves on this issue, since unlike Nazi Germany, where many people said they were not aware; today, we are all aware that something horrible is going on in Darfur. We may wish to excuse ourselves by not seeking to know the level of cruelty and savageness that is being perpetrated on these people, but that will not absolve us from the responsibility that if we remain silent we are complicit.

For five years these people have been viciously attacked by their Government simply because they are non-Arabs. Their villages have been burned to the ground; men, women and children are being raped and slaughtered, often in front of their family members; the ones that were able to escape are living under the most grotesque inhuman conditions with little or no food, medicine or protection from ongoing attacks; the few peacekeeping forces and other aids are continually being killed, rendering the situation more dangerous and dire.

While the U.N. and the U.S.A. have agreed that a genocide is going on, almost nothing is being done to stop these atrocities. What ever happened to "Never Again?" How could we, with any consciousness, sit by and allow this inhumanity to go on? You may wonder "What can I do, I am only one person?" There is so much you can do to help. You can go to where you can educate yourself about the issue and get ideas on what you can do.

Also, you can speak to everyone you know and ask them to go to her site for further information. If enough of us are moved to action, we can make a difference and demonstrate our resolve to "Never Again."

Our humanity is at stake.


You did a magnificent job of expressing the impact of Mia Farrow's speech last weekend, and the utter mportance of her mission.

I was also there at the conference, and experienced the shame, devastation and horror that you refer to, and am, like you, determined to do something about this horrific situation that is going on in our world today.

Thank you for sharing this message, for your activism, and for the inspiration you provide to others.

Love, Fern


Thank you for sharing your experience and your commitment to act in the face of this tragic atrocity. I believe that if more people around the world learned the true horrors going on in Darfur, they would step up and do something to help our forgotten borthers and sisters in Darfur. Again, Mia Farrow's web site has a link (see link aboe) to what each one of us can do. We can also connect with each other and work together to create a greater impact. One thing that has been on my mind with regard to providing support for the courageous aids who are currently helping in the region involves raising money to get them a helicopter. Mia Farrow told us how these aids' vehicles are being attacked on the roads, preventing them from bringing food and medicine to the refugee camps. The only safe way for them to succeed in getting the supplies to the camps is via air transport. It seems to me that the least we can do is find a way to raise money for the helicopters to insure the supplies get to the victims and to protect these courageous aids' lives.

If anyone reading this would be interested in helping with this goal, please contact me.

Thank you, Fern, for your support.

Love, Ronit

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