Ask Ronit

I Like Your Ponytail, A Story About CommitmentI Like Your Ponytail, A Story About Commitment

“I like your ponytail.” I said in a playful manner. “Ponytail?” he repeated in a thick French accent. There and then began the most extraordinary odyssey of my life.…

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My HeroMy Hero

Dear Mrs. Black,It was January 1967 when this 11 year-old, frightened, little Israeli girl walked into your classroom for the first time. I had only arrived in the country two weeks before.…

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The Banking ImplosionThe Banking Implosion

I’m sure by now you all have noticed the ongoing meltdown in the mortgage industry. The cause of this whole mess is a little bit complicated, rooted in both the structure of the mortgage industry, and human nature. I’ll try to explain both factors here in layman’s terms.…

Breaking old habits; Creating new Ones

We are mostly habitual beings. Webster defines habit as an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary.…

Life is Poetry

  • Life is Poetry
  • Life is Poetry
  • Life is Poetry
  • Life is Poetry
  • Life is Poetry
  • Life is Poetry


The Grand Canyon Of Our Lives

The Grand Canyon of Our Livesas i approached the vast, spacious view of the grand canyon, i began to feel it- my heart stopped, my breathing slowed and my mind quieted- for an eternal moment, i disappeared into the Oneness of the Cosmos.

merging into the river of Spirit, the river of creation, i became the source of it all. i was the sky, i was the sun, i was the earth, i was the rain that sourced the river that created this magnificent work of art. in that eternal moment, there was no time, no space, no form. there was only a continuum of nothing and everything.

returning to my body form, my mind and my emotions, i experienced the interconnection of all that Is. i realized that there is no object or subject, no out there or in here, no life or death. There is only Spirit-- and that everyone and everything is the manifestation, the reflection, of this spirit.

this awareness brought forth yet another insight. since all is part of Spirit, then all is governed by Spirit’s creative essence. The essence of the river that created the grand canyon then, is the same essence which resides in each and every one of us. the river did not intend to create the grand canyon, it merely flowed with its true nature, and in the process, the grand canyon was created.

what if we wake up to our true nature and be guided by its essence?
what if we recognized and embraced our Oneness with the Whole?
what if we didn’t perceive obstacles, barriers and problems, rather just flow through, between, around, under or over the illusion of separateness?

what would the grand canyon of your life look like?

what would the grand canyon of our collective lives look like?

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